Error 459 - permission denied while trying to run git bisect with script
How to fix error occurring during git bisect run - 459: /usr/lib/git-core/git-bisect: Permission denied.
Full logs of git-bisect with 459 error
As you see, problem with running script doesn’t stop git-bisect so it finishes job. I hope in the future Git team will improve this, to stop when something goes wrong - such result is not reliable, there is no point to continue process.
Quick solution
Quick solution is to allow everyone to access directory with script.
To do so you just need to use chmod command like this:
# Make directory available for all
In my case it was fine, I have even moved whole script to /usr/lib/git-core/scripts directory, so it’s globally available now, so I didn’t investigate what exactly has gone wrong.
To summarize: 459 access problem can be fixed without investigation, but only if giving permission for every user is acceptable in your case.
If this quick solution is not enough for you or doesn’t work in your case, please share your own with others in comments :)